Global Events
El 28 de noviembre, la NIPN organizó con éxito un acto paralelo durante la conferencia IFPRI-FAO sobre «Acelerar el fin del hambre y la malnutrición» en Bangkok, al que asistieron unos 100 participantes. Los cuatro panelistas debatieron las oportunidades estratégicas y los retos institucionales de la NIPN. Se mencionaron puntos importantes como la implicación de los países, como demostraron Etiopía y Laos, la integración del enfoque de la NIPN en el sistema multisectorial de coordinación de la nutrición existente, la claridad en el uso de los datos existentes, el papel activo de determinados actores de la nutrición en la intermediación del conocimiento y el establecimiento de colaboraciones. Ver las presentaciones.
On Tuesday 2nd October, NIPN & NEP (National Evaluation Platforms, an initiative of Johns Hopkins University) co-organised a workshop on “National Information Platforms to strengthen Nutrition Policy and Programme decisions”, with the participation of the Global Support Facility, NIPN teams from Niger and Ethiopia and NEP team from Mali. View the presentations.
This three-day Global Gathering of the NIPN allowed all the 60+ participants from the 10 participating countries to feel part of a whole, created a common understanding of NIPN, enabled discussion of technical matters, implementation needs, opportunities and bottlenecks, and encouraged collaboration and sharing across countries. The most telling statistics in the final evaluation were that 77% of the participants felt their country NIPNs had been strengthened by the gathering, the same number believed the gathering had helped their teams to progress, and 90% went away feeling that they now know what the next steps are in their countries.
The second meeting of the NIPN Expert Advisory Group (EAG) was held in Brussels on March 21st. The meeting specifically focused on the progress of the NIPN initiative, and was joined by SUN focal persons from five NIPN countries who spoke briefly about their experiences. The meeting highlighted the main opportunities and challenges that are arising now that projects are being implemented in nine countries, and recommendations were made by members of the EAG to be taken up by the team in the NIPN Global Support Facility. View the report.
NIPN was involved in the organisation of a parallel session on ’nutrition data revolution’ during the SUN Global Gathering held in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, in November 2017. The session was facilitated by representatives of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the panel comprised the General Secretary of the Niger ’3N’ initiative, who presented the NIPN; the SUN Focal Person from Mali, who showcased the NEP experience; and the SUN Focal Person from Lao PDR, who spoke from a ’data poor’ country perspective. In conclusion, the DFID representative gave a joint statement on behalf of the SUN donor network reaffirming the donors’ commitment to nutrition data, and putting forward the NIPN initiative as a modest but very important step towards that commitment.