Aligning country platforms under common goals and capitalising experience and knowledge across countries – this was the overall objective of the 3rd NIPN Global Gathering virtually hosted by the C4N-NIPN Global Support in March 2021. As most countries have implemented fully or partially a NIPN operational cycle, the NIPN Global Gathering represented an opportunity to take stock and share experiences on NIPN successes and limitations in strengthening multisectoral national governance for nutrition. If you missed the opportunity to take part in the NIPN Global Gathering you can now find all materials online.
The NIPN Global Support has published a brief with insights from the design, set-up and early implementation of highly complex multisectoral collaboration of NIPNs in nine different country and institutional contexts. It outlines in detail lessons learnt for the design and set-up of platforms to help overcome challenges, it particularly highlights conditions for successful collaboration: leadership, alignment of objectives, roles and responsibilities, equal power balance and adequate capacities. The NIPN Lessons Learned brief can be accessed on the NIPN website resources page.
Powerful opening statements launched by Marjeta Jager of the European Commission, Martin Hoppe from BMZ and Gerda Verburg from the SUN movement opened the 3rd NIPN Global Gathering 2021. Under the headline “Strengthening NIPN approach into the national multi-sectoral governance for nutrition”, country delegations from Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Lao PDR, Niger and Uganda take part in the virtual Global Gathering workshops from 22-25 March. Full introduction of speakers and their opening statements are available here. During the Global Gathering, video recordings of daily presentations in English will regularly be uploaded on the webinar page of the NIPN website.
At the second annual NIPN dissemination meeting, the NIPN data repository and dashboard were officially launched. While primarily aimed at policy and decision-makers, the public can also access these multisectoral monitoring and analysis tools. The dashboard and data repository will enhance the capacity to track the progress and results in nutrition at national and sub-national level and enable better monitoring of nutrition-related indicators for Sustainable Development Goals. Further information from the event here.
Stakeholders from the NIPN platforms in Niger and Ethiopia were panellists presenting at the Mini-symposium on ‘How to enhance the dialogue between research and policy?’ (SYM 2). While the mini-symposium focused on dialogue between research and decision making in nutrition, the sharing of NIPN experiences enabled the perspectives of national implementers and practitioners to be highlighted, while also teasing out commonalities and differences between research and implementation in addressing decision makers’ needs for information and evidence.
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