NIPN country teams are using online seminar sessions to inform each other of their approaches in implementing NIPN, and to discuss their experiences in meeting challenges and achieving results. In the seminars, NIPN country teams provide in-depth background, practices, and experiences from several countries on a given theme. For example, the Ivory Coast and Guatemala have presented on use of evidence generated by NIPN to influence policies, Lao PDR and Ethiopia on capacity needs assessment and capacity development, and Niger, Burkina Faso, and Uganda on policy question formulation. Online seminars are available here.
NIPN teams from Burkina Faso, Niger & Côte d’Ivoire presented their work and exchanged their experience with partners from West Africa during the Nutrition Data Forum held in Dakar 11th and 12th of February 2020. C4N NIPN team has responded to the call for partnership launched by Transform Nutrition with IFRPI, Datadent, Countdown to 2030, UNICEF, USAID, Alive & Thrive, CEDEAO, WHO, EU, GIZ. Lots of experience sharing across the data value chain, from data collection, management, analysis, communication to decision making. Calls to action and presentations can be shared upon request to C4N NIPN team.
Capacity for Nutrition (C4N), a multi donor action set up by the European Commission (EC) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), began to manage the National Information Platforms for Nutrition Programme (NIPN) at the global level in January 2020. C4N is implemented by GIZ and is part of the programme Knowledge for Nutrition (K4N).
The EC is pleased to see continuity in the NIPN programme with the engagement of two colleagues who also worked for the Global Support Facility (GSF): Perrine Geniez and Julien Chalimbaud. They will be joined by two new team members: Laura Barrington and Ingo Neu. The C4N team will continue the work in the current four work streams:
- Country Support
- Capacity Development
- Capturing Experience & Lessons Learnt
- Global Coordination
The Commission recognizes the benefits of having the coordination of NIPN at a global level embedded in the EU’s and BMZ’s major Food and Nutrition Security programmes.
You can contact the C4N-NIPN team at if you have any questions.
The GSF organised a one-week training on November 18-22 in Ethiopia to strengthen the leadership capacity and functional skills of key individuals in NIPN host organisations across 9 countries.
Learn more
Multisectoral collaboration is at the heart of the NIPN approach, bringing together individuals and teams from multiple organisations differing in mandates and culture. Even with the best will of the world, collaboration between organisations is hard work and fraught with challenges. Leadership, strategic capacity and functional skills are needed to establish effective collaborations with the NIPN platforms and with the stakeholders from various sectors.
On the 6th of November, during the SUN Global Gathering in Kathmandu, representatives from the Global Support Facility and from the NIPNs of Lao PDR and Niger shared the experience of NIPN in a workshop entitled “More or better data for improved decision-making for nutrition?”. More.
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