The Niger NIPN team conducted a sustainability study to assess the integration of NIPN into the national strategic and financial programming documents. The study found that institutionalisation is a key element to the sustainability of the NIPN platform, which needs to translate into national budgets and state funding. Although conditions currently exist for technical and financial internalisation, the study recommended to emphasise support to operational conditions to ensure the transfer of responsibility in NIPN Phase II.
This multisectoral profile presents a visual nutrition situation analysis, which highlights key issues to tackle, and shows the diversity of situations at the provincial level. The indicators included in the dashboard were selected based on the priorities outlined in the National Nutrition Strategy and Plan of Action (NNSPA 2015-2020). The profile presents prevalence, trends, mapping of key indicators of the nutrition situation, immediate and underlying determinants, nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive interventions, as well as enabling environment. The profile has been developed by the Centre for Development Policy Research of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, Lao PDR and UNICEF
The Rapid Literature Review Guideline describes the steps the NIPN team in Ethiopia undertakes to complete a rapid literature review. Such reviews assist with refining of broader policy questions and to assess existing evidence in order to respond to policy questions. The guideline considers lessons learned during a “learning by doing research project” implemented under NIPN in Ethiopia between September 2018 and June 2019 as well as other sources of recommendations for rapid literature reviews.
The capacity building of government staff to analyse data, interpret analysis and report findings is a key component of the NIPN initiative.
This report identified through a participatory process:
– the existing capacity
– the desired capacity
– the gap between both of them
The Capacity need assessment shall feed the development of Capacity Development Plan system strengthening to improve national nutrition monitoring, evaluation, research and policy decision making process.
This document presents the fruit of the work between INSD and the Technical Secretariat for Food and Nutrition (STAN) to identify & list multisectoral data sources useful for nutrition.
It presents a table of the main information systems, the types of data available, their accessibility and the frequency of collection.