This CNA framework has been tailored to the capacity needs of the NIPN in Ethiopia. The points of entry for the assessment were the system, organizational, and individual levels and the targeted core areas were data collection, monitoring and evaluation; strategic policy research; and data and knowledge management and sharing. Each of these require specific technical and functional capacities, such as linkages with policy dialogue, human, financial and physical resources, and coordination.The implementation of the recommendations arising from this analysis helps to fuel public debate on social, economic or demographic issues and reminds us that nutrition is multisectoral. Understanding this information is essential in the process of orienting public policies and development.

This report presents the platform’s methodological choices to answer question N°1 “How have the determinants that explain the high and persistent prevalence of chronic malnutrition in children under five (5) years old in Niger evolved? »
This report details :
- The development of the analytical framework plan
- Identification of available data
- The selection of indicators and their definition
- The choice of analytical methods
- Difficulties encountered, weaknesses and opportunities.

The GSF has commissioned a series of assessments of information systems of interest for nutrition in several NIPN countries. The assessment included the creation of a questionnaire; the pre-populating of the questionnaire with available country-specific information; interviews with main stakeholders; a thorough investigation of open access/publicly available information and the compilation of a report. The reports are now published for Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Kenya, Lao PDR, Niger, Uganda.

This analysis uses the UNICEF Multiple Overlapping Deprivation Analysis toolbox to describe and unpack the situation of multidimensional child poverty in Lao PDR, with a focus on nutritional status and stunting among children under 5 years, with sensitivity to children’s lifecycle and contextualized needs and rights. The report shows that at both national and provincial levels, every stunted child in Lao PDR is also deprived in three or more areas of well-being, emphasizing the high correlation between stunting and multidimensional poverty in the country and suggesting that reducing stunting can be only achieved with the reduction of multidimensional poverty.

This document is a synthesis in English of a more comprehensive report in Spanish, from an analysis of progress in implementing multisectoral stunting reduction strategies in Guatemala, and more specifically with regard to the budget allocation to nutrition over the past 12 years.