Comparison of parameters used for generating AARR by main international initiatives

The parameters of the WHO UNICEF TEAM group of 2017 are now used as the reference.


  • “WPP”: UN World Population Prospect is an accessible international database widely used for past and future demographic data at national level (data is available online by year, sex and for 5 years age-groups). The database is updated every 2 years to take into account new information from national census.
  • WPP data can be different from official census data as mentioned on their website: “Official statistics are not very perfect. All data have deficiencies. Official demographic statistics are affected by incompleteness of coverage, lack of timeliness and errors in the reporting or coding of the basic information. The analysis carried out by the Population Division takes into account those deficiencies and seeks to establish past population trends by resolving the inconsistencies affecting the basic data. Use of the cohort-component method to reconstruct populations is the major tool to ensure that the population trends estimated by the Population Division are internally consistent. For more information on the methodology used by the United Nations Population Division to produce the estimates and projections for the World Population Prospects, please refer to the publication on Methodology.
  • National Statistical Offices are well aware of the inconsistencies among data generated by different sources. Even in countries with advanced statistical systems, it is common for official statistical series to be revised retrospectively as new data become available and inconsistencies are corrected.”
  • JME: “Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates” database of national surveys validated by countries & by WHO, UNICEF and the World Bank.
  • EC database: may differ on rare occasions from JME when a survey is validated at country level but not yet uploaded on JME database or when considered unreliable by EC but validated by JME.
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